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Simple Interest vs Compound Interest, What is the Difference Between Simple Interest and Compound Interest?

Simple interest grows linearly based on the original amount, while compound interest compounds, resulting in exponential growth by considering both the principal and accumulated interest.

by Sai V

Updated Dec 01, 2023

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Simple Interest vs Compound Interest, What is the Difference Between Simple Interest and Compound Interest?

Simple Interest Vs Compound Interest

Simple interest and compound interest are two distinct methods of calculating the cost of borrowing or the return on investments. Simple interest is computed solely based on the original principal amount, the interest rate, and the time period. It remains constant over time, making it straightforward to calculate. In contrast, compound interest takes into account both the principal and the accumulated interest from previous periods, resulting in interest on interest.

This compounding effect can significantly impact the total amount paid or earned, especially over extended periods. While simple interest is linear and offers predictability, compound interest, with its compounding periods, introduces a dynamic element that can work to one's advantage in investments but requires careful consideration in loan situations due to potential higher overall costs.

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What is the Difference Between Simple Interest and Compound Interest?

Simple Interest and Compound Interest are distinct ways of calculating interest, influencing savings and loans differently. Simply put, Simple Interest involves direct calculations on the initial amount, whereas Compound Interest introduces compounding, resulting in exponential growth. This concise table highlights the essential disparities between these methods, emphasizing their formulas, growth patterns, and impact on savings and borrowing.


Simple Interest

Compound Interest

Calculation Type

Interest on the original principal only.

Interest on both the principal and accumulated interest.


Simple Interest=P×r×n

A = P(1 + (r/n))^(nt)

Calculation Method

Straightforward based on principal, rate, and time.

Involves repeated calculations with interest on interest.

Growth Pattern

Linear growth. Interest remains constant.

Exponential growth. Interest compounds, leading to growth over time.

Impact on Savings/Borrowing

Generally less profitable for savings. Borrowers pay less over time.

More profitable for savings. Borrowers may pay more over time.

Frequency of Compounding

Not applicable. No compounding.

Compounded periodically (daily, monthly, etc.).

Example Application

Short-term loans or simple savings accounts.

Long-term investments or savings with compounding benefits.

Rule of 72 Applicability

Less relevant due to constant growth assumption.

More relevant, considering compounding over time.

Beneficial for

Borrowers repaying short-term loans.

Savers or investors with a long-term perspective.

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What is Simple Interest?

Simple interest is a straightforward financial concept that calculates the interest paid on a loan or earned on savings by multiplying the initial amount borrowed or invested (the principal) by the annual interest rate and the time period in years.

Unlike compound interest, which considers the accrued interest in each calculation cycle, simple interest maintains a constant interest amount throughout the entire loan or investment term. This uncomplicated method is commonly used for short-term loans, auto loans, and savings accounts, offering clarity and transparency in understanding borrowing costs and interest earnings.

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Simple Interest Formula

The simple interest formula, SI = P × i × n, allows you to easily calculate interest on a principal amount, as demonstrated in various financial scenarios.

Simple Interest (SI) = P × i × n


  • P represents the Principal amount (the initial sum of money borrowed or invested).
  • i represents the Interest rate (the annual interest rate, usually in decimal form).
  • n represents the Term of the loan or investment (the number of years the money is borrowed or invested for).

Suppose you have a savings account with an initial deposit (Principal) of $5,000 (P). The bank offers an annual interest rate of 3.5% (i). You plan to keep the money in the account for 2 years (n).

To calculate the simple interest earned:

SI = $5,000 × 0.035 × 2 = $350

In this case, the simple interest earned over the two-year period is $350. This means that you will earn $350 in interest on your $5,000 deposit after two years.

What is Compound Interest?

Compound interest refers to the method of calculating interest on savings or loans by considering not only the initial amount but also the accumulated interest from previous periods. It is often described as "interest on interest" and has the effect of accelerating the growth of money when saving or investing, as each interest payment is added to the principal for future calculations.

Conversely, compound interest can make it more challenging to manage and pay off debt, as interest continually compounds, emphasizing the importance of comprehending this financial concept for making informed financial decisions.

Compound Interest Formula

In the context of finance, the compound interest formula is a powerful tool for calculating the growth of an investment or the cost of a loan over time, and it's based on the principles of regularly compounded interest.

A = P(1 + (r/n))^(nt)


Suppose you have $5,000 to invest in a savings account that offers an annual interest rate of 5%. You plan to leave the money in the account for 3 years, and the interest is compounded semi-annually (twice per year).

Let's use the compound interest formula to calculate the future value of your investment:

  • Principal (P): $5,000
  • Annual Interest Rate (r): 5% or 0.05 (as a decimal)
  • Number of Compounding Periods per Year (n): 2 (semi-annual compounding)
  • Number of Years (t): 3

Now, plug these values into the formula:

A = P × (1 + r/n)^(n*t)

A = $5,000 × (1 + 0.05/2)^(2*3)

A = $5,000 × (1 + 0.025)^6

A = $5,000 × (1.025)^6

A = $5,000 × 1.15927407407

A ≈ $5,796.37

So, after 3 years of investing $5,000 at a 5% annual interest rate compounded semi-annually, your investment will grow to approximately $5,796.37.

Is Simple Interest Better Than Compound Interest?

No, simple interest is not universally better than compound interest. The choice between simple and compound interest depends on your specific financial situation and goals. Simple interest is advantageous for borrowers seeking predictable, lower interest expenses over time.

In contrast, compound interest is more favorable for savers and investors, enabling their money to grow faster, ultimately leading to larger returns on investments or savings accounts. Therefore, it's essential to consider your financial role and objectives when determining which type of interest is better suited to your needs.

Simple Interest vs Compound Interest - FAQs

1. What is simple interest, and how is it calculated?

Simple interest is calculated by multiplying the principal amount, the annual interest rate, and the time period in years.

2. How does compound interest differ from simple interest?

Compound interest considers both the initial principal and the accumulated interest, leading to faster growth over time.

3. When is simple interest typically used in financial transactions?

Simple interest is commonly used for short-term loans, auto loans, and certain savings accounts.

4. What is the key advantage of compound interest for investors?

Compound interest allows investors to see faster growth in their investments due to the compounding effect.

5. Which type of interest is more suitable for borrowers looking for predictability?

Simple interest is preferred by borrowers seeking predictable, lower interest expenses over time.

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